October 23, 2009

Because today was a Good Day.

Because today was the best day in ages;
because today I felt good, for a change,
I can actually say I got stuff done.
Because today I was me with no pretense or politeness;
Because I was to myself for a full day,
and I had a smile in my face all afternoon.
Today I dressed well, walked my streets,
rode the subway and the bus,
meet four new neighborhoods and seen new people.
I’ve mocked and been mocked, I laugh with my soul,
I rode the bridge with a frightened someone
and seen the 8th hill of Lisbon ( XDD).
Because today I meet you and me.
Today I passed four times in Cidade Universitaria
went to Lisbon north and re-met the place where he lived.
Because today was a Good Day.

Maxwell Black
October 23, 2009


  1. Não me lembro se li esse texto. Se ele esteve aqui li de certeza. Mas não o usei como fonte de inspiração. A inspiração nasceu de uma longa conversa com esse passageiro. Conhecesme bem por isso deduz o resto... :)

  2. Pois va se la saber porque! Queres um bolinho? Fui compralos ao Pingo...
