September 13, 2009

No dream has ever looked so furder then before.

Back to a world that is no longer mine.
Where I once called my own,
now a simple space with strangers.

And yet, the longing for Civilization
for a place I yearned since child
and could not meet yet.

A lost soul behind the flickering light
in the first drop of September's rain.

And here, when the inner persona fights
for a place where Man is its own
it seems as if faith is pulling the opposite way,
pulling towards the palace of head and desert
where no living of the self is possible.

Here I dream, of being just a sound of the
falling rain on the concrete sidewalk;
and of the storm sky that flourishes
its beautiful tones of grey light of a sole
keystroke on the black and white box of peace.

Where should it drop from the wings of pure
to the woods at the base of mountain
where the pure of the white is just falling
where no-one is to confirm the reality of Nature.

No dream has ever looked so furder then before.

No soundtrack of weird calm yet sad melody
of silent and colourful music.
Just another sunset and another water
from the greenery of The Blue Mind:
blessed tear of relieve for a dream that cannot be.

A sadness of flying when it's shown how to,
an untaken breath longing for its time
that will never be.

A look behind the shoulder and, then
a face that looks down and turns,
never to be.

Maxwell R. Black
September 13, 2009


  1. Amazing honey... Nao fiques assim. Estara sempre alguem por perto para te apoiar.
    Enjoy this new ride of your life. Enjoy every moment.

  2. Tão simplesmente...Adorei este teu texto! =)

  3. Thank you both (for different reasons) ;)
    Sintam-se livres para comentar, sempre que quizerem, novos e velhos posts.

  4. Nunca ninguem disse que Karma nao era lixado amigo. Vais ver que tudo vai correr bem. Always here... You know it... XD
    E nao ninguem me vai olhar de lado. Se olharem é pura inveja. Who cares? Im beautiful and smart... And I know that my friends love me a lot, just the way I love them. No matter what other people say about me. I dont care about it.
    LY bitch.. <3

  5. Hey you...

    Não só estas palavras são belas... como sempre... como tinha que te vir dizer: you know what you wrote, in my corner?
    That was exactly what I meant. It is amazing to see you reading me that way, feeling exactly what I meant.
    First of all, thank you for that.
    Second... thank you for making me feel not so alone.
    As far as I'm concerned... you can always count on me, I'm here, as we share so much.
    I'm only sorry we can't meet some more... try to live a little by day too, for me??? ;)


  6. Muito obrigado pelas visitas e comentários ali no outro lado.
    Um abraço.

  7. Olá Maxwell!
    Talvez tenha este sido um dos teus textos que mais gostei!


    Abraço grande rapaz

  8. izzie: It is weird when some people are so in tune that they thing the same, write the same, probably act the same, dont you think? Vou tentar estar mais disperto durante o dia. Tinhas razão, eu sou um rapaz da noite ;) E se não sou mesmo é porque não me deixam.

    Sávio: Obrigado a ti por te teres lembrado de vir aqui dar um saltinho. És sempre bem-vindo.

    Rabisco: Que te levou a eleger este texto como um dos que mais gostaste? Alguma razão em específico?
    Não me agradeças, eu é que agradeço por teres parado aqui e por teres commentado.
    Um abraço para ti ;)
